
We Take Our Bullet Time Experience to New Delhi!

February 2016

We’ve travelled to France, Russia, Germany, Austria, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and now we’ve been to India! Say Fromage was asked to supply the Bullet Time Experience for the Auto Expo 2016 Motor Showcase which was held in New Delhi, India earlier this month. Suzuki, a highly established motor company, wanted to give their visitors an experience that was memorable, user friendly and fun!


In the days leading up to the big departure the Say Fromage staff were busy with ensuring every item was prepped securely to be flown 10 hours across seas to India. We sent two of our best technicians down prior to the live event date to build and run the Bullet Time setup.


The design of the Maruti Suzuki’s latest models are focussed on their automotive motion and use of latest advanced car technology. The client requested to have the car design characteristics reflecting in the photographic experience at the Auto Expo showcase. Therefore we provided a fully branded Bullet Time 360° rig alongside two 32” touch screen sharing stations. This experience produced 32 dramatic and dynamic pictures that created one amazing GIF.

The Play Bullet Time Maruti Suzuki Transformotion experience was made complete with branded walls around the rig to make it eye-catching. It had an entrance and exit black curtain at the back of the rig. Next to the rig on the wall was a large screen slideshow of the latest GIFs that would show up after every session so everyone far and wide could see.


The automated trigger system would detect as soon as someone entered the centre of the circle. A pre recorded set of instructions would inform the users where to stand and then a countdown was followed by a set of flashing lights. Once the pictures were taken it would get automatically uploaded to the daily dedicated gallery as a GIF. The GIFs were shown on the two large touch screens where the users could share, upload and print.


There were 2406 sessions taken over 7 days in the #MarutiSuzukiTransformotion experience. This gives you an idea of how jam packed the experience was!

You can take a look at more of the GIFs made here.



