
New Look Wireless and Reading Bullet Time Experience!

October 2015

Say Fromage were asked by Live Nation Experiential to construct a bespoke 360 ° Bullet Time Photography experience for the New Look Wireless and Reading Festivals earlier on this year.


The one aspect that Live Nation Experiential urged on was that the process would take on as many people as possible, leaving very little space to twiddle your thumbs in between. They wanted it quick, snappy and memorable! So that is what they got! Each session only took a mere 25 seconds.

The Bullet Time Experience was part of the Paco Rabanne Black XS promotions. Staying true to the Black XS brand identity, we customised the whole rig with their iconic artwork, which created a sleek and cool looking set!



We created a process where an automated trigger system would detect as soon as someone entered the centre of the circle. A sensor was placed alongside this trigger which aided the detection. This would then trigger a pre-recorded set of instructions that would inform the festival goer where to stand. It would sound out a countdown followed by a set of strobe lights to inform the users that the pictures were being taken.




Once the pictures had been taken it was then sent to two sharing stations where it would allow the images to be shared via social media. As an added bonus they would also walk away with a branded print as a memento.

If that wasn’t enough, all the GIFs that were created got instantly uploaded to their own customised gallery online. See here.







This project was one more successful activation using our Bullet Time Photography knowledge and expertise. See here for more Bullet Time case studies.